Sample Questions on Programming
Sample Questions on Programming
This contains a sample list of questions related to Programming languages and concepts. Hadware verification demands a lot of programming skills which are important to develop complex test benches efficiently.
This is never a complete list, but try to focus your learning and preparation using this.
- What is the difference between a static variable, local variable and a global variable in any programming language?
- What do you mean by inline function?
- What is the difference between heap and stack ?
- What is the difference between ++a and a++ in any programming language?
- What is meant by memory leak?
- What is the difference between struct and class ?
- What is the difference between class an object?
- What is polymorphism ?
- What is inheritance and multi inheritance?
- What are public, private and protected data members?
- What is function overriding vs function overloading?
- What are static methods and where do we use it?
- What is an abstract class?
- What is a virtual function?
- Write a C program to compute number of ones in a bit vector?
- Write a C/SystemVerilog program to generate Fibonacci series?